Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dark Elixir Farming Strategy

  1. Snipe town halls, to get dark elixir you need to have at least a Gold 2 badge to get good de loot.
  2. There's a free alternative way to hack clash of clans and get 15k dark elixir daily by following the link.
  3. Constantly train archers and barbarians in your barracks, they are fast to build and they cost low to produce.
  4. Always attacks a base with dark elixir higher than 1,000 anything less is not worth the attack.
  5. Always look for dark elixir drills unprotected and out from your opponents range, you can snipe them using your long range units preferably use archers.
  6. Don’t worry about losing trophies, you can always snipe farming town halls you can easily get your trophies back.
  7. ALWAYS train in your barracks, it will be a waste of time if one of your barracks’ are on queue.
  8. You don’t need to always have a full army camp, you can start raiding even on 60% of your total army camp spaces.

  9. Survey the opponents base at all times, there might be hidden teslas or other traps surrounding the dark elixir drill. It’s best to send one low costing troop in first e.g. Barbarian or archer to see if the coast is clear.
  10. Avoid bases that heavily guard their de storages and drills, there’s a lot of easy bases to target don’t worry.
  11. Be calm and confident, by repetition you will get better in surveying and analyzing if the base is worth the raid.

  12. Use your lightning spells for dark elixir storages with more than 2,000 de. If the de drill’s small capsule is filled it’s better to lightning strike them first.

  13. Google or watch YouTube videos about dark elixir farming, education is the key to success.